Ōrākei Papakāinga Design Guidelines
We worked with Ngāti Whātua and Boffa Miskell to prepare the masterplan and Design Guidelines for the on-going housing development for mana whenua along the Ōrākei. Encompassing medium-density housing in terraces and apartment typologies, the Guidelines identify a number of themes which provide living environments with more iwi-focused qualities than normal.
Ōrākei Papakāinga Design Guidelines
Ōrākei, Tāmaki Makaurau / Auckland
We worked with Ngāti Whātua and Boffa Miskell to prepare the masterplan and Design Guidelines for the on-going housing development for mana whenua along the Ōrākei. Encompassing medium-density housing in terraces and apartment typologies, the Guidelines identify a number of themes which provide living environments with more iwi-focused qualities than normal.
These include kotahitanga/community, wairuatanga/spiritual connections, whanaungatanga/relationships, manaakitanga/welcoming and hosting, and kaitiakitanga/sustainable management amongst others.
These led to a number of design principles such as relationship to the land, recognition of distant landmarks, community, children having ‘right of way’, safety and passive surveillance, inclusiveness and flexibility as guidance for future architects to develop specific building projects. Exploration of intergenerational housing and the requirements of structural and fire design changes of time became significant aspects of the design process.