This lodge proposes a new way of living in the tropical Hawaiian climate. Whereas most houses on Maui are sealed air-conditioned boxes, this residence is predominantly naturally ventilated, designed to take advantage of the sea breezes to cool the interior and exterior spaces.
Nanea, Hawaii
This lodge proposes a new way of living in the tropical Hawaiian climate. Whereas most houses on Maui are sealed air-conditioned boxes, this residence is predominantly naturally ventilated, designed to take advantage of the sea breezes to cool the interior and exterior spaces.
The roof overhangs are carefully designed to ensure direct sun is kept from all glazed surfaces and interior spaces, the flowing water completes the microclimate and offers beautifully dappled reflections onto the undersides of roofs.
The house is composed of five separate buildings, linked by broad covered ways and wrapped around an open courtyard. The living pavilions are able to be totally opened to encourage airflow, and to provide views from the courtyard through to the sea.
The house reinforces one of the basic design philosophies of Bossley Architects which emphasises the value of environmentally sustainable design by passive first principles, rather than design by fashion.
Typically of our work, the house has a very comfortable atmosphere, arising from the relaxed composition of the various buildings, and from the different scale of the spaces with each building. Steel structural elements are exposed, in-situ concrete creates a contrast to plastered walls, and stone paving, cool underfoot, drifts from outside to inside and then out again to ensure the main living areas feel more like a generous verandah than constrained rooms.
Upstairs the main ensuite is partially outdoors, once again enhancing the unique climatic conditions and offering delightful architectural experiences whilst maintaining privacy.

One is always aware of the presence of the sea, which, after all is the motivation for being there in the first place.