A tri-partite scheme of buildings, overlaid with folded planes like gently fallen leaves
Bay of Islands, Northland
Te Kāhui Whaihanga NZ Institute of Architects New Zealand Award 2016
Te Kāhui Whaihanga NZ Institute of Architects Auckland Award 2015
Te Kāhui Whaihanga NZ Institute of Architects Resene Colour Award 2015
Master Builders Auckland Region Gold Award 2014
Master Builders Outdoor Living Lifestyle Award 2014
A tri-partite scheme of buildings, overlaid with folded planes like gently fallen leaves
Located at Omarino, which is a beautiful land development that we have been involved in for many years. Having prepared the overall design, written the design guidelines, designed the communal buildings, the infrastructure and a selection of the private residences. Refer Omarino in our Masterplanning section.
This generous seaside house is one of a series our exploration of encampments and kiwi versions of walled gardens. The large footprint is divided into three separate buildings, creating an “open courtyard” which draws the space of the beach up the valley and into the overall composition of buildings.
The iconic elements of this project are the beautiful roofs, folded planes composed of triangular facets which float casually over the rooms below. The ceilings are light coloured poplar plywood, creating soft shifts of light and space hovering over the rooms below. The modulation of the roofs reflects natural light with exciting effect, and externally refers to the rolling hills of the landscape around the valley. As always the focus of the design was on providing spaces that are comfortable even when they are large. The Auckland Award NZIA judges recognised this when they wrote that “…large though the component parts are this project retains a very human scale..”.

…Generous, calm and superbly detailed, the house offers a lovely, relaxed progression of spaces. It can accommodate busy holiday activity, but is just as encouraging of contemplative occupation. This is a house that is comfortable in it’s place….
NZIA National Awards citation